Get to Know Dr. Tida Lam

At this time, Tida Lam, DO is not accepting new patients.

Tida Lam, DO is a board-certified Family Medicine Physician and Primary Care Doctor treating adults and adolescents at Avance Care in Wake Forest, North Carolina.

Dr. Lam completed her Bachelor of Arts degree from Bowdoin College and received her medical degree from the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine. She underwent her family medicine training at the New Hampshire Dartmouth Family Medicine Residency program where she served as chief resident during her final year.

Prior to joining Avance Care, Dr. Lam worked at the Lowell Community Health Center in Lowell, Massachusetts. During her time at LCHC, she treated patients from various cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. Dr. Lam is passionate about the physician-patient relationship and is a firm believer that successful health outcomes stem from the partnership and patient education. Dr. Lam’s interests include chronic disease prevention and management, adolescent health, and geriatric medicine.

When she is not working, Dr. Lam and her husband enjoy checking out the local restaurant scene. They also both enjoy traveling around the world and learning about new cultures and customs. She is fluent in the Khmer language. Dr. Lam is excited to set roots here in North Carolina and hopes to serve the Wake Forest community for many years to come.

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Most practices open 7-days a week with same-day appointments.