Get to Know Stacey Clark, FNP-C

Stacey Clark, FNP-C is a Primary Care Provider and board-certified Physician Assistant seeing patients at Avance Primary Care in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Stacey received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill in 1998. She obtained her master’s degree from San Diego State University with a specialty certificate in family practice from the University of California, San Diego, in 2004.

She has clinical experience in various settings, including internal medicine, pediatrics, women’s health, and employee wellness. She believes in empowering patients through education and engagement in their care plans. She enjoys working with other healthcare providers in a collaborative environment to provide the best care for our patients. Her goal is to encourage and motivate patients to create healthy habits for improved health and well-being.

Stacey enjoys traveling, vegetable gardening, kickboxing, reading, and cooking in her spare time. She lives in Chapel Hill and loves spending time with her husband and two sons exploring hiking trails.

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