
"We have been patients of Dr. Manuel Bulauitan for years and he is truly incredible! He’s very thorough, knowledgeable, personable, and a truly caring physician."

"Dr. Bulauitan is a good listener, very efficient and knowledgable. He never disappoints in his treatments and ongoing care."

"Dr. Bulauitan always takes the time to answer my questions thoughtfully."

Get to Know Dr. Manuel Bulauitan

At this time, Manuel Bulauitan, MD is not accepting new patients.

Manuel Bulauitan, MD is a board-certified Family Physician treating patients at Avance Primary Care in Wake Forest, North Carolina.

He completed his Bachelor of Arts degree at Boston University. He received his medical degree from Ross University School of Medicine in Portsmouth, Dominica and completed his residency in family medicine at St. Elizabeth Medical Center in Utica, New York.

Prior to joining Avance Care, he worked as a family physician in New Hampshire, providing excellent care to patients of all ages. He is experienced in treating a variety of medical conditions, both acute and chronic. Dr. Bulauitan is also skilled in various in-office, minor procedures. The strong relationships formed between doctor and patient is what attracted him to family medicine and he truly values listening to his patients to establish trust and respect to deliver the best possible medical care.

Dr. Bulauitan comes from a family of physicians. He is happily married, and his wife is also a physician. Family has always been very important to him and is what brought him down to the Triangle area. He looks forward to setting roots and serving the community for years to come.

Set up an appointment with Dr. Manuel Bulauitan.

Don't delay the care you need.

Most practices open 7-days a week with same-day appointments.