Feyisayo Adeyina, MD is a board-certified Family Medicine Physician serving Avance Primary Care patients in Holly Springs, North Carolina.
Dr. Adeyina is a fellow of the Academy of Family Physicians and has served as Medical Director for both Care Alliance Health Centers and Avance Care during her practices in Ohio and North Carolina. In her capacity as the Medical Director, she gained intimate knowledge and experience in running a practice.
Dr. Adeyina achieved the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1996 from the University of Debrecen Medical School. Dr. Adeyina has a diverse range of knowledge in medicine that she has developed as a result of working in various healthcare settings. Dr. Adeyina also has additional experience in areas such as cardiovascular disease, preventive health and education in pediatrics and adults, sickle cell disorders, complex medical conditions, and women’s health. She has presented at various professional meetings and has even received awards for excellence in primary care.