Colin Gage, PA-C is a Primary Care Provider and board-certified Physician Assistant treating patients at Avance Care in Cary, North Carolina.
Colin is a native of Raleigh NC and attended Western Carolina University. He completed the Physician Assistant Program at Barry University in Miami, Florida.
Colin has spent time working in Orthopaedics, Emergency Medicine and Dermatology before joining Avance Care in 2018. Colin enjoys the variety that Family Medicine offers, however, his passion lies in Dermatology. Colin possesses 10+ years of experience in Dermatology and is well equipped to diagnose, manage and treat all maladies of the skin from (A)cne to (Z)oster. Colin encourages all patients to get yearly full body skin checks to help keep their largest organ healthy and ensure that no concerning lesions are developing.
Colin is committed to effectively and efficiently helping patients keep their skin healthy. Colin believes that good communication and patient education are the keys to patient and whole-body wellness.