For Providers

Refer to Avance Care

You can quickly and securely refer your patients to Avance Care.

For Providers

At Avance Care, we’ve set out to create a totally new kind of primary care experience — one with people at the center. We are reimagining the doctor’s office for life inspired by technology and personalized care.

Our mission is to make getting care make sense for life. Whether with convenient in-person visits or through digital health, we are transforming care while reducing costs and upgrading the patient experience.

How to refer a patient

We strive to make sure our patients have easy and convenient access to our care team.

If you are a referring physician or health care professional, we can help you find the right people, programs and services for your patients.

To speak with one of our referral specialists, please call 919.237.1337.


The following locations are accepting new patients with Medicaid

In the Triangle (Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill):

In Charlotte:

View all accepted health insurance plans.

Online appointment scheduling

We realize our patients expect a seamless digital healthcare experience. Our online scheduling allows us to meet the expectations of our patients.

Don't delay the care you need.

Most practices open 7-days a week with same-day appointments.